Photo of female model on the runway posing with her arm in the air. She is wearing a striped sweater and jeans with a white leather purse.
Photo of a hispanic boy with glasses in a wheelchair. He is wearing a brown and white button down shirt.
Photo of a young girl looking off camera, smiling. She's wearing a red sweater and a leather jacket
Image of a female model with her hands outstretched toward the camera. She is flipping her hair. She is wearing a plaid dress and a jean jacket

We Are HumanKind.

Why blend in when you were meant to stand out?

This is the guiding principle behind Humankind. We are casting experts with a passion for bringing diverse faces, voices, stories and personalities to the forefront of mainstream media.

Because every body is beautiful.

Photo of a black woman with very short hair colored green. She is wearing a multi-colored shirt.
Photo of a boy looking at the camera. The boy is wearing headphones and wearing a blue shirt
Photo of a female model from. She has brown hair and olive skin. She is wearing a sleeveless top and smiling to camera
Image of male model looking off camera with a serious expression. He is wearing a blue puffy vest.
A married couple snuggling into each other smiling. She has brown skin and a blue sleeveless top. The man is caucasian with facial hair and a green tshirt

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